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Congrates, Yiyi! You just passed the 3- month- long probation.


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Time flies. It's almost 1.5 months since I have been staying with this company.

So far so good- I will say.

Yiyi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Watch Your Back"

It's an idom I heard many times, and today, I am using it.

Yiyi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Aahhhhh, 不熟悉痞客邦的介面,連帳號密碼都試了好多回。


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Just before Wretch had announced its off-serving, I had been back there and checked all the photos. There were memories and many of my babe.

It took me half a day to download all the photos, and I picked some ready for printing. I had them play with the song "Miss You like Crazy", and I couldn't stop my tears.

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